

Mobile App
Cloud platform

Tutoring offers cross platform freely accessible all around the world from your pocket

How it starts

I co-founded this start-up with my friend when I was in my first year of BSc in cybersecurity. I developed the whole ecosystem of Tutorapp, from the app to the backend infrastructure and lambdas and any other asset to make able Tutorapp well running. We got several interviews in various regional papers, radios and official TV channel of Switzerland, such as RTS, Le Nouvelliste, Radio Chablais and Rhône FM. Have a look at the end of the page

What is it

Tutorapp is a worldwide accessible platform through iOS/Android/Web app that allows you to access to all tutoring offers in your region. The app is available in french, english, german and italian. You can take or provide tutoring freely as soon as you register in the platform. It has over 900 users over the world with about 350 tutoring offers. The current offer is in the following countries :

  • Switzerland
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Canada

The aim of the app is to be used everywhere in every study levels such as primary, secondary, grammar, apprenticeship and university/engineering school.

Access to Tutorapp